Pic Post: Das beste Museum

So yesterday I attended the most amazing museum, Computerspiele Museum, literally translating to Computer Game Museum. For someone who was raised on computer and video games, this was basically a dream come true. It was definitely worth getting lost and walking an absurd amount to find it. The pamphlet said it was “just 5 minutes away!!” from where my walking tour ended but apparently that meant if you take the train or somehow acquire a wing cap or something.


Anyways, all of the pain in my feet disappeared as I saw this:

I was even more delighted when I entered the museum and encountered a shrine of various computers and video game systems through the years.

I sought out the Amiga, which was the first major gaming system in our house and sent a pic to my dad and brother.

I also sent them some other reminiscent pictures. I have fond memories watching them play Doom and Monkey Island was (and still is) one of our all-time favorites.

Visitors were obviously able to play a lot of the games too, which brought me back. I danced to half a song on DDR and played some old school Zelda. I wish I had a picture of myself dancing to DDR in a room full of strangers but I do not.

They also had a very busy arcade room.

This museum was one-of-a-kind and really dove into all aspects of video and computer game history. One of my favorite parts was their portrayal of game rooms through the years. They all had relevant games of the time period available for play.


And an evolution of my main man! Sorry Donkey Kong, couldn’t find much about you there……

These pics are really low quality but hopefully they encourage you to come all the way to Berlin to stare at a bunch of screens. The Computerspiele Museum was one of those places that I learned about by browsing pamphlets in the hostel lobby, I never thought I would actually go. But I made it and it was amazing and extremely nostalgic. I really embraced my inner tourist and had the lady at the front take this geeky picture of me before I left.


I hated that picture so I took a selfie outside too, just for good measure.

Off to a concentration camp tomorrow. So uh, really embracing all emotions over here.

C yaaaaa.


Now read this

Pic Post: My first week living in a cave

If you read my last post you probably think I’m having a terrible time in the cave. Besides late last night and this morning, it was a pretty bomb week. Also, the 2 girls just came back and informed me that they got paprika and oregano.... Continue →