Pic Post: My first week living in a cave

If you read my last post you probably think I’m having a terrible time in the cave. Besides late last night and this morning, it was a pretty bomb week. Also, the 2 girls just came back and informed me that they got paprika and oregano. This is music to my ears.

Anyways, I thought I would post some pictures from my first week here! I’ll put a little caption underneath if necessary. Enjoy!

My first day of work scraping old paint off cave walls

Exploring abandoned caves next door




Marie playing music with Felix on backup vocals

One of the dogs at the dog shelter that we visited on Wednesday. This was extremely sad and kind of terrifying, it might need its own post.

One of the dogs standing out of his cage to say “PLEASE SAVE ME FROM THIS HELL”

A picture of the room we’re redoing. The pink on the walls is the previous paint and all of the white spots are what we scraped and plastered. This stove is also the only heating mechanism in the cave.

Hannah’s friendly dog, Nessie and me enjoying one of Hannah’s post-work green smoothies. They are really good!

Friday night we went out to a restaurant that is just down the street and it is also in a cave! We had some wine and tapas before I ate a burrito with CHICKEN!! YAY MEAT!

The blue, blue water near the hot spring. The views were beautiful and worth the drive out there.

Me, Marie, and Dovile at the hot spring.

Trying to get wifi at night haha we have to stand by the window to get any connection.

Walking to the dance class in the neighboring village. We didn’t know how to get there besides to walk on the road so we walked in a line on the shoulder the entire time.

Dance class at Bar Música.

After dance class, shit hit the fan internally with me (see previous post) so that’s all for now. Stay tuned for next week’s edition!


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8 Unbelievable Ways That Stacia Got Her Groove Back (Sorta)

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